The vivid colors of Luna Parc are especially striking against the a fresh blanket of
white snow, shown in this mid 1990's photo.

Click here to continue the tour
Click here or the arrow above to complete your tour. 


Luna Parc is the private home and workspace of its creator, Ricky Boscarino.   

This virtual tour of Luna Parc gives you a peak into the mind and world of this madcap artist while in the comfort of your own home.

Luna Parc is not open to the public and we ask that you please respect Mr. Boscarino's privacy.  


MiniaturesInsect JewelryPostcardsAnimal JewelryPotteryMiniaturesShowsAquaticsE-mail Ricky

If you have questions or comments on anything you see here, please e-mail Luna Parc.
Ricky answers all the e-mail personally.

Luna Parc is located in rural Sussex County New Jersey.

Mailing Address:
Luna Parc
22 De Groat Road
Montague, NJ 07827

Please e-mail or phone 973-948-2160 if you have
questions or comments on this website or Ricky's creations.

This site has been created and maintained by 
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